| |
Term | Abbreviation or Symbol |
Across Flats | AF |
Assembly | ASSY |
Centres | CRS |
Centre Line ..On View | |
Centre line ..On Note | CL |
Centre Of Gravity | CG |
Chamfer of Chamferred..In a Note | CHAM |
Cheese Head | CH HD |
Countersunk/ Countersink | CSK |
Countersunk Head | CSK HD |
Counterbore | CBORE |
Cylinder or Cylinderical | CYL |
Diameter..in a note | DIA |
Diameter..preceding a dimension | |
Drawing | DRG |
Equally Spaced | EQUI SP |
External | EXT |
Figure | FIG |
Full Indicated Movement | FIM |
Hexagon | HEX |
Hexagon Head | HEX HD |
Insulated or Insulation | INSUL |
Internal | INT |
Least Material Condition..In a Note | LMC |
Least Material Condition..(Geom.Dim) |  |
Left hand | LH |
Long | LG |
Machine | MC |
Material | MAT |
Maximum | MAX |
Maximum Material Condition..In a note | MMC |
Maximum Material Condition..(Geom. tol) | |
Minimum | MIN |
Not to Scale (In a note and underlined | NTS |
Number | NO. |
Pattern Number | PATT NO. |
Pitch Circle Diameter | PCD |
Radius..In a note | RAD |
Radius..Preceding a dimension | R |
Reference | REF |
Required | REQD |
Right hand | RH |
Round Head | RD HD |
Screw of Screwed | SCR |
Sheet (Drawing Number) | SH |
Sketch (prefix to Drawing Number) | SK |
Specification | SPEC |
Spherical Radius..Preceding dim | SR |
Spotface | SFACE |
Square ..In a note | SQ |
Square ..Preceding dim |  |
Standard | STD |
Taper.. On Dia or Width |  |
Thread | THD |
Thick | THK |
Tolerance | TOL |
Typically OR Typical | TYP |
Undercut | UCUT |
Volume | VOL |