All persons wishing to contact me are directed to this page.
I have created this page as an attempt to filter out all inappropriate messages.
At regular intervals I change my email address.
All emails directed to addresses
other than the current one are deleted.
Please Note. I do not supply or procure any materials or components. I simply publish useful information for mechanical engineers. Any emails requesting quotations and any emails selling or promoting materials,r components, or services, are therefore of no use. I am sorry but I will not reply to these emails My webpages include google adverts which provide links to suppliers. I also try to include links at the foot of each webpage to suppliers and sites providing relevant useful information. I welcome any emails which comment on the content of my webpages and identify any errors. I also welcome any emails which suggest improvements and / or suggest a need for additional information. I am happy to exchange links with websites which provide useful information to mechanical engineers. I do not generally exchange links with purely commercial websites which do not supply mechanical components. If I can respond to requests for information within a relatively short timescale and with reasonable confidence I shall attempt to do so. I am now retired and my webpages are based on information acquired from various reputable reference sources. I cannot profess to be an expert on all of the information I publish although I do try , with limited success , to ensure it is of a reasonable quality. I hope you find my website useful........ Roy Beardmore |
Please send emails to [email protected]