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Steel Section Index

Equal Leg Angles to EN 10056-1: 1998

Equal Angle

A x t x w
Section Dimensions Mass
per metre
to Cen.of Grav'y
Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section
Area of
  A t M r1 r2 Axis
Ix, Iy
rx, ry
  mm mm kg/m mm mm cm cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm cm3 cm2
250x250x35 250 35 128 18 9 7.5 9264 -5402 14666 3862 7.54 9.48 4.87 529 163
250x250x32 250 32 118 20 10 7.38 8597 -5032 13629 3565 7.57 9.53 4.87 488 150
250x250x28 250 28 104 18 9 7.24 7697 -4528 12226 3169 7.62 9.61 4.89 433 133
250x250x25 250 25 93.6 20 10 7.12 6975 -4111 11086 2864 7.65 9.64 4.9 390 119
200x200x24 200 24 71.1 18 9 5.84 3331 -1953 5284 1378 6.06 7.64 3.9 235 90.6
200x200x20 200 20 59.9 18 9 5.68 2851 -1678 4529 1172 6.11 7.7 3.92 199 76.3
200x200x18 200 18 54.2 18 9 5.6 2600 -1533 4132 1067 6.13 7.73 3.93 181 69.1
200x200x16 200 16 48.5 18 9 5.52 2341 -1381 3723 960 6.16 7.76 3.94 162 61.8
180x180x18 180 18 48.6 18 9 5.1 1866 -1097 2963 768 5.49 6.92 3.52 145 61.9
180x180x16 180 16 43.5 18 9 5.02 1682 -991 2673 692 5.51 6.95 3.53 130 55.4
160x160x15 160 15 36.2 17 8.5 4.49 1099 -646 1745 453 4.88 6.16 3.13 95.5 46.1
150x150x18 150 18 40.1 16 8 4.37 1050 -615 1665 435 4.54 5.71 2.92 98.7 51
150x150x15 150 15 33.8 16 8 4.25 898 -528 1426 370 4.57 5.76 2.93 83.5 43
150x150x12 150 12 27.3 16 8 4.12 737 -433 1170 303 4.6 5.8 2.95 67.7 34.8
150x150x10 150 10 23 16 8 4.03 624 -366 991 258 4.62 5.82 2.97 56.9 29.3
130x130x12 130 12 23.5 14 7 3.64 472 -278 750 195 3.97 5 2.55 50.4 30
120x120x15 120 15 26.6 13 6.5 3.51 445 -260 705 185 3.62 4.56 2.33 52.4 33.9
120x120x12 120 12 21.6 13 6.5 3.4 368 -216 584 152 3.65 4.6 2.35 42.7 27.5
120x120x10 120 10 18.2 13 6.5 3.31 313 -184 497 129 3.67 4.63 2.36 36 23.2
120x120x8 120 8 14.7 13 6.5 3.23 255 -150 405 105 3.69 4.65 2.37 29.1 18.7
100x100x15 100 15 21.9 12 6 3.02 249 -144 393 104 2.98 3.75 1.93 35.6 27.9
100x100x12 100 12 17.8 12 6 2.9 207 -121 328 85.8 3.02 3.8 1.94 29.1 22.7
100x100x10 100 10 15 12 6 2.82 177 -104 280 73 3.04 3.83 1.95 24.6 19.2
100x100x8 100 8 12.2 12 6 2.74 145 -85 230 59.9 3.06 3.85 1.96 19.9 15.5
90x90x12 90 12 15.9 11 5.5 2.66 148 -86.3 234 61.7 2.7 3.4 1.74 23.3 20.3
90x90x10 90 10 13.4 11 5.5 2.58 127 -74.4 201 52.6 2.72 3.43 1.75 19.8 17.1
90x90x9 90 9 12.2 11 5.5 2.54 116 -67.9 184 47.9 2.73 3.44 1.76 17.9 15.5
90x90x8 90 8 10.9 11 5.5 2.5 104 -61.2 166 43.1 2.74 3.45 1.76 16.1 13.9
90x90x7 90 7 9.61 11 5.5 2.45 92.5 -54.3 147 38.3 2.75 3.46 1.77 14.1 12.2
90x90x6 90 6 8.3 11 5.5 2.41 80.3 -47 127 33.3 2.76 3.47 1.78 12.2 10.6
80x80x10 80 10 11.9 10 5 2.34 87.5 -51.1 139 36.4 2.41 3.03 1.55 15.4 15.1
80x80x8 80 8 9.63 10 5 2.26 72.2 -42.4 115 29.9 2.43 3.06 1.56 12.6 12.3
80x80x6 80 6 7.34 10 5 2.17 55.8 -32.7 88.5 23.1 2.44 3.08 1.57 9.57 9.35
75x75x8 75 8 8.99 9 4.5 2.14 59.1 -34.7 93.8 24.5 2.27 2.86 1.46 11 11.4
75x75x6 75 6 6.85 9 4.5 2.05 45.8 -26.9 72.7 18.9 2.29 2.89 1.47 8.41 8.73
70x70x10 70 10 10.3 9 4.5 2.09 57.2 -33.3 90.5 24 2.09 2.63 1.35 11.7 13.1
70x70x8 70 8 8.36 9 4.5 2.01 47.5 -27.8 75.3 19.7 2.11 2.66 1.36 9.52 10.6
70x70x7 70 7 7.38 9 4.5 1.97 42.3 -24.8 67.1 17.5 2.12 2.67 1.36 8.41 9.4
70x70x6 70 6 6.38 9 4.5 1.93 36.9 -21.6 58.5 15.3 2.13 2.68 1.37 7.27 8.13
65x65x7 65 7 6.83 9 4.5 1.85 33.4 -19.6 53 13.9 1.96 2.47 1.26 7.18 8.7
60x60x10 60 10 8.69 8 4 1.85 34.9 -20.1 55.1 14.8 1.78 2.23 1.16 8.41 11.1
60x60x8 60 8 7.09 8 4 1.77 29.2 -17 46.1 12.2 1.8 2.26 1.16 6.89 9.03
60x60x6 60 6 5.42 8 4 1.69 22.8 -13.4 36.1 9.44 1.82 2.29 1.17 5.29 6.91
60x60x5 60 5 4.57 8 4 1.64 19.4 -11.3 30.7 8.03 1.82 2.3 1.17 4.45 5.82
50x50x8 50 8 5.82 7 3.5 1.52 16.3 -9.41 25.7 6.88 1.48 1.86 0.963 4.68 7.41
50x50x6 50 6 4.47 7 3.5 1.45 12.8 -7.5 20.3 5.34 1.5 1.89 0.968 3.61 5.69
50x50x5 50 5 3.77 7 3.5 1.4 11 -6.42 17.4 4.55 1.51 1.9 0.973 3.05 4.8
50x50x4 50 4 3.06 7 3.5 1.36 8.97 -5.24 14.2 3.73 1.52 1.91 0.979 2.46 3.89
50x50x3 50 3 2.33 7 3.5 1.31 6.86 -3.98 10.8 2.88 1.52 1.91 0.986 1.86 2.96
45x45x6 45 6 4 7 3.5 1.32 9.16 -5.33 14.5 3.83 1.34 1.69 0.867 2.88 5.09
45x45x5 45 5 3.38 7 3.5 1.28 7.84 -4.58 12.4 3.26 1.35 1.7 0.871 2.43 4.3
45x45x4.5 45 4.5 3.06 7 3.5 1.26 7.15 -4.17 11.3 2.97 1.35 1.7 0.873 2.2 3.9
45x45x4 45 4 2.74 7 3.5 1.23 6.43 -3.75 10.2 2.68 1.36 1.71 0.876 1.97 3.49
45x45x3 45 3 2.09 7 3.5 1.18 4.93 -2.85 7.78 2.07 1.36 1.71 0.882 1.49 2.66
40x40x6 40 6 3.52 6 3 1.2 6.31 -3.66 9.97 2.65 1.19 1.49 0.77 2.26 4.48
40x40x5 40 5 2.97 6 3 1.16 5.43 -3.17 8.59 2.26 1.2 1.51 0.773 1.91 3.79
40x40x4 40 4 2.42 6 3 1.12 4.47 -2.61 7.09 1.86 1.21 1.52 0.777 1.55 3.08
40x40x3 40 3 1.84 6 3 1.07 3.45 -2.01 5.45 1.44 1.21 1.52 0.783 1.18 2.35
35x35x4 35 4 2.09 5 2.5 1 2.95 -1.73 4.68 1.23 1.05 1.32 0.678 1.18 2.67
30x30x5 30 5 2.18 5 2.5 0.918 2.16 -1.25 3.41 0.917 0.883 1.11 0.575 1.04 2.78
30x30x4 30 4 1.78 5 2.5 0.878 1.8 -1.05 2.85 0.754 0.892 1.12 0.577 0.85 2.27
30x30x3 30 3 1.36 5 2.5 0.835 1.4 -0.819 2.22 0.586 0.899 1.13 0.581 0.649 1.74
25x25x5 25 5 1.78 3.5 1.75 0.799 1.21 -0.686 1.9 0.524 0.731 0.915 0.481 0.711 2.26
25x25x4 25 4 1.45 3.5 1.75 0.762 1.02 -0.588 1.61 0.43 0.741 0.931 0.482 0.586 1.85
25x25x3 25 3 1.12 3.5 1.75 0.723 0.803 -0.469 1.27 0.334 0.751 0.945 0.484 0.452 1.42
20x20x3 20 3 0.882 3.5 1.75 0.598 0.392 -0.227 0.618 0.165 0.59 0.742 0.383 0.279 1.12
A x t x w
Section Dimensions Mass
per metre
to Cen.of Grav'y
Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section
Area of
  A t M r1 r2 Axis
Ix, Iy
rx, ry
  mm mm kg/m mm mm cm cm4 cm4 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm cm3 cm2

Steel Section Index