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Steel Section Index

Rectangular Hollow Section-Hot Formed-BS EN 10210-2:1997

Table of Dimensions + Properties
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
50 25 2.5 3.75 2.5 2.69 3.43 10.4 3.39 1.74 0.994 4.16 2.71 5.33 3.22 8.42 4.61 0.144
50 25 3 4.5 3 3.17 4.04 11.9 3.83 1.72 0.973 4.76 3.06 6.18 3.71 9.64 5.2 0.142
50 30 2.5 3.75 2.5 2.89 3.68 11.8 5.22 1.79 1.19 4.73 3.48 5.92 4.11 11.7 5.73 0.154
50 30 3 4.5 3 3.41 4.34 13.6 5.94 1.77 1.17 5.43 3.96 6.88 4.76 13.5 6.51 0.152
50 30 3.2 4.8 3.2 3.61 4.6 14.2 6.2 1.76 1.16 5.68 4.13 7.25 5 14.2 6.8 0.152
50 30 3.6 5.4 3.6 4.01 5.1 15.4 6.67 1.74 1.14 6.16 4.45 7.94 5.46 15.4 7.31 0.151
50 30 4 6 4 4.39 5.59 16.5 7.08 1.72 1.13 6.6 4.72 8.59 5.88 16.6 7.77 0.15
50 30 5 7.5 5 5.28 6.73 18.7 7.89 1.67 1.08 7.49 5.26 10 6.8 19 8.67 0.147
60 40 2.5 3.75 2.5 3.68 4.68 22.8 12.1 2.21 1.6 7.61 6.03 9.32 7.02 25.1 9.73 0.194
60 40 3 4.5 3 4.35 5.54 26.5 13.9 2.18 1.58 8.82 6.95 10.9 8.19 29.2 11.2 0.192
60 40 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.62 5.88 27.8 14.6 2.18 1.57 9.27 7.29 11.5 8.64 30.8 11.7 0.192
60 40 3.6 5.4 3.6 5.14 6.54 30.4 15.9 2.16 1.56 10.1 7.93 12.7 9.5 33.8 12.8 0.191
60 40 4 6 4 5.64 7.19 32.8 17 2.14 1.54 10.9 8.52 13.8 10.3 36.7 13.7 0.19
60 40 5 7.5 5 6.85 8.73 38.1 19.5 2.09 1.5 12.7 9.77 16.4 12.2 43 15.7 0.187
60 40 6 9 6 7.99 10.2 42.3 21.4 2.04 1.45 14.1 10.7 18.6 13.7 48.2 17.3 0.185
60 40 6.3 9.45 6.3 8.31 10.6 43.4 21.9 2.02 1.44 14.5 11 19.2 14.2 49.5 17.6 0.184
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
80 40 3 4.5 3 5.29 6.74 54.2 18 2.84 1.63 13.6 9 17.1 10.4 43.8 15.3 0.232
80 40 3.2 4.8 3.2 5.62 7.16 57.2 18.9 2.83 1.63 14.3 9.46 18 11 46.2 16.1 0.232
80 40 3.6 5.4 3.6 6.27 7.98 62.8 20.6 2.81 1.61 15.7 10.3 20 12.1 50.8 17.5 0.231
80 40 4 6 4 6.9 8.79 68.2 22.2 2.79 1.59 17.1 11.1 21.8 13.2 55.2 18.9 0.23
80 40 5 7.5 5 8.42 10.7 80.3 25.7 2.74 1.55 20.1 12.9 26.1 15.7 65.1 21.9 0.227
80 40 6 9 6 9.87 12.6 90.5 28.5 2.68 1.5 22.6 14.2 30 17.8 73.4 24.2 0.225
80 40 6.3 9.45 6.3 10.3 13.1 93.3 29.2 2.67 1.49 23.3 14.6 31.1 18.4 75.6 24.8 0.224
80 40 8 12 8 12.5 16 106 32.1 2.58 1.42 26.5 16.1 36.5 21.2 85.8 27.4 0.219
76.2 50.8 3 4.5 3 5.62 7.16 56.7 30 2.81 2.05 14.9 11.8 18.2 13.7 62.1 19.1 0.246
76.2 50.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 5.97 7.61 59.8 31.6 2.8 2.04 15.7 12.4 19.2 14.5 65.7 20.1 0.246
76.2 50.8 3.6 5.4 3.6 6.66 8.49 65.8 34.6 2.78 2.02 17.3 13.6 21.3 16 72.5 22 0.245
76.2 50.8 4 6 4 7.34 9.35 71.5 37.5 2.77 2 18.8 14.8 23.3 17.5 79.1 23.8 0.244
76.2 50.8 5 7.5 5 8.97 11.4 84.4 43.9 2.72 1.96 22.2 17.3 28 20.9 94.2 27.8 0.241
76.2 50.8 6 9 6 10.5 13.4 95.6 49.2 2.67 1.91 25.1 19.4 32.2 23.9 108 31.2 0.239
76.2 50.8 6.3 9.45 6.3 11 14 98.6 50.6 2.66 1.9 25.9 19.9 33.4 24.8 111 32 0.238
76.2 50.8 8 12 8 13.4 17.1 113 57 2.57 1.83 29.6 22.4 39.4 29 129 36.1 0.233
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
90 50 3 4.5 3 6.24 7.94 84.4 33.5 3.26 2.05 18.8 13.4 23.2 15.3 76.5 22.4 0.272
90 50 3.2 4.8 3.2 6.63 8.44 89.1 35.3 3.25 2.04 19.8 14.1 24.6 16.2 80.9 23.6 0.272
90 50 3.6 5.4 3.6 7.4 9.42 98.3 38.7 3.23 2.03 21.8 15.5 27.2 18 89.4 25.9 0.271
90 50 4 6 4 8.15 10.4 107 41.9 3.21 2.01 23.8 16.8 29.8 19.6 97.5 28 0.27
90 50 5 7.5 5 9.99 12.7 127 49.2 3.16 1.97 28.3 19.7 36 23.5 116 32.9 0.267
90 50 6 9 6 11.8 15 145 55.4 3.11 1.92 32.2 22.1 41.6 27 133 37 0.265
90 50 6.3 9.45 6.3 12.3 15.6 150 57 3.1 1.91 33.3 22.8 43.2 28 138 38.1 0.264
90 50 8 12 8 15 19.2 174 64.6 3.01 1.84 38.6 25.8 51.4 32.9 160 43.2 0.259
100 50 3 4.5 3 6.71 8.54 110 36.8 3.58 2.08 21.9 14.7 27.3 16.8 88.4 25 0.292
100 50 3.2 4.8 3.2 7.13 9.08 116 38.8 3.57 2.07 23.2 15.5 28.9 17.7 93.4 26.4 0.292
100 50 3.6 5.4 3.6 7.96 10.1 128 42.6 3.55 2.05 25.6 17 32.1 19.6 103 29 0.291
100 50 4 6 4 8.78 11.2 140 46.2 3.53 2.03 27.9 18.5 35.2 21.5 113 31.4 0.29
100 50 5 7.5 5 10.8 13.7 167 54.3 3.48 1.99 33.3 21.7 42.6 25.8 135 36.9 0.287
100 50 6 9 6 12.7 16.2 190 61.2 3.43 1.95 38.1 24.5 49.4 29.7 154 41.6 0.285
100 50 6.3 9.45 6.3 13.3 16.9 197 63 3.42 1.93 39.4 25.2 51.3 30.8 160 42.9 0.284
100 50 8 12 8 16.3 20.8 230 71.7 3.33 1.86 46 28.7 61.4 36.3 186 48.9 0.279
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
100 60 3 4.5 3 7.18 9.14 124 55.7 3.68 2.47 24.7 18.6 30.2 21.2 121 30.7 0.312
100 60 3.2 4.8 3.2 7.63 9.72 131 58.8 3.67 2.46 26.2 19.6 32 22.4 129 32.4 0.312
100 60 3.6 5.4 3.6 8.53 10.9 145 64.8 3.65 2.44 28.9 21.6 35.6 24.9 142 35.6 0.311
100 60 4 6 4 9.41 12 158 70.5 3.63 2.43 31.6 23.5 39.1 27.3 156 38.7 0.31
100 60 5 7.5 5 11.6 14.7 189 83.6 3.58 2.38 37.8 27.9 47.4 32.9 188 45.9 0.307
100 60 6 9 6 13.6 17.4 217 95 3.53 2.34 43.4 31.7 55.1 38.1 216 52.1 0.305
100 60 6.3 9.45 6.3 14.2 18.1 225 98.1 3.52 2.33 45 32.7 57.3 39.5 224 53.8 0.304
100 60 8 12 8 17.5 22.4 264 113 3.44 2.25 52.8 37.8 68.7 47.1 265 62.2 0.299
120 60 3.6 5.4 3.6 9.66 12.3 227 76.3 4.3 2.49 37.9 25.4 47.2 28.9 183 43.3 0.351
120 60 4 6 4 10.7 13.6 249 83.1 4.28 2.47 41.5 27.7 51.9 31.7 201 47.1 0.35
120 60 5 7.5 5 13.1 16.7 299 98.8 4.23 2.43 49.9 32.9 63.1 38.4 242 56 0.347
120 60 6 9 6 15.5 19.8 345 113 4.18 2.39 57.5 37.5 73.6 44.5 279 63.8 0.345
120 60 6.3 9.45 6.3 16.2 20.7 358 116 4.16 2.37 59.7 38.8 76.7 46.3 290 65.9 0.344
120 60 8 12 8 20.1 25.6 425 135 4.08 2.3 70.8 45 92.7 55.4 344 76.6 0.339
120 60 10 12 8 24.6 31.3 503 155 4.01 2.23 83.8 51.7 112 65.6 397 86.8 0.339
120 80 3.6 5.4 3.6 10.8 13.7 276 147 4.48 3.27 46 36.7 55.6 42 301 59.5 0.391
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
120 80 4 6 4 11.9 15.2 303 161 4.46 3.25 50.4 40.2 61.2 46.1 330 65 0.39
120 80 5 7.5 5 14.7 18.7 365 193 4.42 3.21 60.9 48.2 74.6 56.1 401 77.9 0.387
120 80 6 9 6 17.4 22.2 423 222 4.37 3.17 70.6 55.6 87.3 65.5 468 89.6 0.385
120 80 6.3 9.45 6.3 18.2 23.2 440 230 4.36 3.15 73.3 57.6 91 68.2 487 92.9 0.384
120 80 8 12 8 22.6 28.8 525 273 4.27 3.08 87.5 68.1 111 82.6 587 110 0.379
120 80 10 15 10 27.4 34.9 609 313 4.18 2.99 102 78.1 131 97.3 688 126 0.374
140 80 4 6 4 13.2 16.8 441 184 5.12 3.31 62.9 46 77.1 52.2 411 76.5 0.43
140 80 5 7.5 5 16.3 20.7 534 221 5.08 3.27 76.3 55.3 94.3 63.6 499 91.9 0.427
140 80 6 9 6 19.3 24.6 621 255 5.03 3.22 88.7 63.8 111 74.4 583 106 0.425
140 80 6.3 9.45 6.3 20.2 25.7 646 265 5.01 3.21 92.3 66.2 115 77.5 607 110 0.424
140 80 8 12 8 25.1 32 776 314 4.93 3.14 111 78.5 141 94.1 733 130 0.419
140 80 10 15 10 30.6 38.9 908 362 4.83 3.05 130 90.5 168 111 862 150 0.414
150 100 4 6 4 15.1 19.2 607 324 5.63 4.11 81 64.8 97.4 73.6 660 105 0.49
150 100 5 7.5 5 18.6 23.7 739 392 5.58 4.07 98.5 78.5 119 90.1 807 127 0.487
150 100 6 9 6 22.1 28.2 862 456 5.53 4.02 115 91.2 141 106 946 147 0.485
150 100 6.3 9.45 6.3 23.1 29.5 898 474 5.52 4.01 120 94.8 147 110 986 153 0.484
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
150 100 8 12 8 28.9 36.8 1087 569 5.44 3.94 145 114 180 135 1203 183 0.479
150 100 10 15 10 35.3 44.9 1282 665 5.34 3.85 171 133 216 161 1432 214 0.474
150 100 12 18 12 41.4 52.7 1450 745 5.25 3.76 193 149 249 185 1633 240 0.469
150 100 12.5 18.75 12.5 42.8 54.6 1488 763 5.22 3.74 198 153 256 190 1679 246 0.468
160 80 4 6 4 14.4 18.4 612 207 5.77 3.35 76.5 51.7 94.7 58.3 493 88.1 0.47
160 80 5 7.5 5 17.8 22.7 744 249 5.72 3.31 93 62.3 116 71.1 600 106 0.467
160 80 6 9 6 21.2 27 868 288 5.67 3.27 108 72 136 83.3 701 122 0.465
160 80 6.3 9.45 6.3 22.2 28.2 903 299 5.66 3.26 113 74.8 142 86.8 730 127 0.464
160 80 8 12 8 27.6 35.2 1091 356 5.57 3.18 136 89 175 106 883 151 0.459
160 80 10 15 10 33.7 42.9 1284 411 5.47 3.1 161 103 209 125 1041 175 0.454
160 80 12 18 12 39.5 50.3 1449 455 5.37 3.01 181 114 240 142 1175 194 0.449
160 80 12.5 18.75 12.5 40.9 52.1 1485 465 5.34 2.99 186 116 247 146 1204 198 0.448
180 100 4 6 4 16.9 21.6 945 379 6.61 4.19 105 75.9 128 85.2 852 127 0.55
180 100 5 7.5 5 21 26.7 1153 460 6.57 4.15 128 92 157 104 1042 154 0.547
180 100 6 9 6 24.9 31.8 1350 536 6.52 4.11 150 107 186 123 1224 179 0.545
180 100 6.3 9.45 6.3 26.1 33.3 1407 557 6.5 4.09 156 111 194 128 1277 186 0.544
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
180 100 8 12 8 32.6 41.6 1713 671 6.42 4.02 190 134 239 157 1560 224 0.539
180 100 10 15 10 40 50.9 2036 787 6.32 3.93 226 157 288 188 1862 263 0.534
180 100 12 18 12 47 59.9 2320 886 6.22 3.85 258 177 333 216 2130 296 0.529
180 100 12.5 18.75 12.5 48.7 62.1 2385 908 6.2 3.82 265 182 344 223 2191 303 0.528
200 100 4 7.5 5 18.1 23.1 1213 414 7.25 4.23 121 82.8 149 92.4 986 142 0.587
200 100 5 7.5 5 22.6 28.7 1495 505 7.21 4.19 149 101 185 114 1204 172 0.587
200 100 6 9 6 26.8 34.2 1754 589 7.16 4.15 175 118 218 134 1414 200 0.585
200 100 6.3 9.45 6.3 28.1 35.8 1829 613 7.15 4.14 183 123 228 140 1475 208 0.584
200 100 8 12 8 35.1 44.8 2234 739 7.06 4.06 223 148 282 172 1804 251 0.579
200 100 10 15 10 43.1 54.9 2664 869 6.96 3.98 266 174 341 206 2156 295 0.574
200 100 12 18 12 50.8 64.7 3047 979 6.86 3.89 305 196 395 237 2469 333 0.569
200 100 12.5 18.75 12.5 52.7 67.1 3136 1004 6.84 3.87 314 201 408 245 2541 341 0.568
200 100 16 24 16 65.2 83 3678 1147 6.66 3.72 368 229 491 290 2982 391 0.559
200 120 6 9.45 6.3 28.7 36.5 1976 890 7.35 4.94 198 148 241 169 1943 245 0.624
200 120 6.3 12 8 29.9 38 2039 919 7.32 4.92 204 153 250 175 2034 255 0.619
200 120 8 15 10 37.3 47.6 2490 1114 7.23 4.84 249 186 309 216 2501 309 0.614
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
200 120 10 18 12 45.9 58.5 2978 1320 7.14 4.75 298 220 374 260 3006 366 0.609
200 120 12 18.75 12.5 54.5 69.4 3459 1515 7.06 4.67 346 253 439 304 3462 417 0.608
200 120 12.5 24 16 55.7 71 3468 1524 6.99 4.63 347 254 444 308 3568 426 0.599
250 150 5 7.5 5 30.4 38.7 3360 1527 9.31 6.28 269 204 324 228 3278 337 0.787
250 150 6 9 6 36.2 46.2 3965 1796 9.27 6.24 317 239 385 270 3877 396 0.785
250 150 6.3 9.45 6.3 38 48.4 4143 1874 9.25 6.22 331 250 402 283 4054 413 0.784
250 150 8 12 8 47.7 60.8 5111 2298 9.17 6.15 409 306 501 350 5021 506 0.779
250 150 10 15 10 58.8 74.9 6174 2755 9.08 6.06 494 367 611 426 6090 605 0.774
250 150 12 18 12 69.6 88.7 7154 3168 8.98 5.98 572 422 715 497 7088 695 0.769
250 150 12.5 18.75 12.5 72.3 92.1 7387 3265 8.96 5.96 591 435 740 514 7326 717 0.768
250 150 16 24 16 90.3 115 8879 3873 8.79 5.8 710 516 906 625 8868 849 0.759
260 180 6 9 6 40 51 4942 2804 9.85 7.42 380 312 454 353 5554 502 0.865
260 180 6.3 9.45 6.3 41.9 53.4 5166 2929 9.83 7.4 397 325 475 369 5810 524 0.864
260 180 8 12 8 52.7 67.2 6390 3608 9.75 7.33 492 401 592 459 7221 644 0.859
260 180 10 15 10 65.1 82.9 7741 4351 9.66 7.24 595 483 724 560 8798 775 0.854
260 180 12 18 12 77.2 98.3 8999 5034 9.57 7.16 692 559 849 656 10285 895 0.849
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
260 180 12.5 18.75 12.5 80.1 102 9299 5196 9.54 7.13 715 577 879 679 10643 924 0.848
260 180 16 24 16 100 128 11245 6231 9.38 6.98 865 692 1081 831 12993 1106 0.839
300 200 5 7.5 5 38.3 48.7 6322 3396 11.4 8.35 421 340 501 380 6824 552 0.987
300 200 6 9 6 45.7 58.2 7486 4013 11.3 8.31 499 401 596 451 8100 651 0.985
300 200 6.3 9.45 6.3 47.9 61 7829 4193 11.3 8.29 522 419 624 472 8476 681 0.984
300 200 8 12 8 60.3 76.8 9717 5184 11.3 8.22 648 518 779 589 10562 840 0.979
300 200 10 15 10 74.5 94.9 11819 6278 11.2 8.13 788 628 956 721 12908 1015 0.974
300 200 12 18 12 88.5 113 13797 7294 11.1 8.05 920 729 1124 847 15137 1178 0.969
300 200 12.5 18.75 12.5 91.9 117 14273 7537 11 8.02 952 754 1165 877 15677 1217 0.968
300 200 16 24 16 115 147 17390 9109 10.9 7.87 1159 911 1441 1080 19252 1468 0.959
350 250 6 9 6 55.1 70.2 12616 7538 13.4 10.4 721 603 852 677 14529 967 1.18
350 250 6.3 9.45 6.3 57.8 73.6 13203 7885 13.4 10.4 754 631 892 709 15215 1011 1.18
350 250 8 12 8 72.8 92.8 16449 9798 13.3 10.3 940 784 1118 888 19027 1254 1.18
350 250 10 15 10 90.2 115 20102 11937 13.2 10.2 1149 955 1375 1091 23354 1525 1.17
350 250 12 18 12 107 137 23577 13957 13.1 10.1 1347 1117 1624 1286 27513 1781 1.17
350 250 12.5 18.75 12.5 112 142 24419 14444 13.1 10.1 1395 1156 1685 1334 28526 1842 1.17
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
350 250 16 24 16 141 179 30011 17654 12.9 9.93 1715 1412 2095 1655 35325 2246 1.16
400 200 6 9 6 55.1 70.2 14998 5142 14.6 8.56 750 514 917 568 12049 877 1.18
400 200 6.3 9.45 6.3 57.8 73.6 15696 5376 14.6 8.55 785 538 960 594 12612 917 1.18
400 200 8 12 8 72.8 92.8 19562 6660 14.5 8.47 978 666 1203 743 15735 1135 1.18
400 200 10 15 10 90.2 115 23914 8084 14.4 8.39 1196 808 1480 911 19259 1376 1.17
400 200 12 18 12 107 137 28059 9418 14.3 8.3 1403 942 1748 1072 22622 1602 1.17
400 200 12.5 18.75 12.5 112 142 29063 9738 14.3 8.28 1453 974 1813 1111 23438 1656 1.17
400 200 16 24 16 141 179 35738 11824 14.1 8.13 1787 1182 2256 1374 28871 2010 1.16
450 250 8 12 8 85.4 109 30082 12142 16.6 10.6 1337 971 1622 1081 27083 1629 1.38
450 250 10 15 10 106 135 36895 14819 16.5 10.5 1640 1185 2000 1331 33284 1986 1.37
450 250 12 18 12 126 161 43434 17359 16.4 10.4 1930 1389 2367 1572 39260 2324 1.37
450 250 12.5 18.75 12.5 131 167 45026 17973 16.4 10.4 2001 1438 2458 1631 40719 2406 1.37
450 250 16 24 16 166 211 55705 22041 16.2 10.2 2476 1763 3070 2029 50545 2947 1.36
500 300 8 12 8 97.9 125 43728 19951 18.7 12.6 1749 1330 2100 1480 42563 2203 1.58
500 300 10 15 10 122 155 53762 24439 18.6 12.6 2150 1629 2595 1826 52450 2696 1.57
500 300 12 18 12 145 185 63446 28736 18.5 12.5 2538 1916 3077 2161 62039 3167 1.57
500 300 12.5 18.75 12.5 151 192 65813 29780 18.5 12.5 2633 1985 3196 2244 64389 3281 1.57
500 300 16 24 16 191 243 81783 36768 18.3 12.3 3271 2451 4005 2804 80329 4044 1.56
500 300 20 30 20 235 300 98777 44078 18.2 12.1 3951 2939 4885 3408 97447 4842 1.55
Size Thick's Corner Radius Mass /m Area of Section Second Moment Of Area Radius Of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Axis x-x Axis y-y Inertia Modulus
H B T ro ri M A Ix Iy rx ry Zx Zy Sx Sy J C As
mm mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m

Steel Section Index