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Steel Section Index

Square Hollow Sections-Cold Formed..BS EN 10219:1997

Table of Dimensions + Properties
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
20 2 4 2 1.05 1.34 0.692 0.72 0.692 0.877 1.21 1.06 0.0731
20 2.5 5 2.5 1.25 1.59 0.766 0.694 0.766 1 1.39 1.19 0.0714
25 2 4 2 1.36 1.74 1.48 0.924 1.19 1.47 2.53 1.8 0.0931
25 2.5 5 2.5 1.64 2.09 1.69 0.899 1.35 1.71 2.97 2.07 0.0914
25 3 6 3 1.89 2.41 1.84 0.874 1.47 1.91 3.33 2.27 0.0897
30 2 4 2 1.68 2.14 2.72 1.13 1.81 2.21 4.54 2.75 0.113
30 2.5 5 2.5 2.03 2.59 3.16 1.1 2.1 2.61 5.4 3.2 0.111
30 3 6 3 2.36 3.01 3.5 1.08 2.34 2.96 6.15 3.58 0.11
40 2 4 2 2.31 2.94 6.94 1.54 3.47 4.13 11.3 5.23 0.153
40 2.5 5 2.5 2.82 3.59 8.22 1.51 4.11 4.97 13.6 6.21 0.151
40 3 6 3 3.3 4.21 9.32 1.49 4.66 5.72 15.8 7.07 0.15
40 4 8 4 4.2 5.35 11.1 1.44 5.54 7.01 19.4 8.48 0.146
50 2 4 2 2.93 3.74 14.1 1.95 5.66 6.66 22.6 8.51 0.193
50 2.5 5 2.5 3.6 4.59 16.9 1.92 6.78 8.07 27.5 10.2 0.191
50 3 6 3 4.25 5.41 19.5 1.9 7.79 9.39 32.1 11.8 0.19
50 4 8 4 5.45 6.95 23.7 1.85 9.49 11.7 40.4 14.4 0.186
50 5 10 5 6.56 8.36 27 1.8 10.8 13.7 47.5 16.6 0.183
60 2 4 2 3.56 4.54 25.1 2.35 8.38 9.79 39.8 12.6 0.233
60 2.5 5 2.5 4.39 5.59 30.3 2.33 10.1 11.9 48.7 15.2 0.231
60 3 6 3 5.19 6.61 35.1 2.31 11.7 14 57.1 17.7 0.23
60 4 8 4 6.71 8.55 43.6 2.26 14.5 17.6 72.6 22 0.226
60 5 10 5 8.13 10.4 50.5 2.21 16.8 20.9 86.4 25.6 0.223
60 6 12 6 9.45 12 56.1 2.16 18.7 23.7 98.4 28.6 0.219
60 6.3 15.75 9.45 9.55 12.2 54.4 2.11 18.1 23.4 100 28.8 0.213
70 2.5 5 2.5 5.17 6.59 49.4 2.74 14.1 16.5 78.5 21.2 0.271
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
70 3 6 3 6.13 7.81 57.5 2.71 16.4 19.4 92.4 24.7 0.27
70 3.6 7.2 3.6 7.24 9.23 66.5 2.69 19 22.7 108 28.7 0.268
70 4 8 4 7.97 10.1 72.1 2.67 20.6 24.8 119 31.1 0.266
70 5 10 5 9.7 12.4 84.6 2.62 24.2 29.6 142 36.7 0.263
70 6 12 6 11.3 14.4 95.2 2.57 27.2 33.8 163 41.4 0.259
70 6.3 15.75 9.45 11.5 14.7 93.8 2.53 26.8 33.8 168 42.1 0.253
80 3 6 3 7.07 9.01 87.8 3.12 22 25.8 140 33 0.31
80 3.6 7.2 3.6 8.37 10.7 102 3.09 25.5 30.2 165 38.4 0.308
80 4 8 4 9.22 11.7 111 3.07 27.8 33.1 180 41.8 0.306
80 5 10 5 11.3 14.4 131 3.03 32.9 39.7 218 49.7 0.303
80 6 12 6 13.2 16.8 149 2.98 37.3 45.8 252 56.6 0.299
80 6.3 15.75 9.45 13.5 17.2 149 2.94 37.1 46.1 261 57.9 0.293
80 8 20 12 16.4 20.8 168 2.84 42.1 53.9 307 66.6 0.286
90 3 6 3 8.01 10.2 127 3.53 28.3 33 201 42.5 0.35
90 3.6 7.2 3.6 9.5 12.1 149 3.5 33 38.9 238 49.6 0.348
90 4 8 4 10.5 13.3 162 3.48 36 42.6 261 54.2 0.346
90 5 10 5 12.8 16.4 193 3.43 42.9 51.4 316 64.7 0.343
90 6 12 6 15.1 19.2 220 3.39 49 59.5 368 74.2 0.339
90 6.3 15.75 9.45 15.5 19.7 221 3.35 49.1 60.3 382 76.2 0.333
90 8 20 12 18.9 24 255 3.25 56.6 71.3 456 88.8 0.326
100 3 6 3 8.96 11.4 177 3.94 35.4 41.2 279 53.2 0.39
100 4 8 4 11.7 14.9 226 3.89 45.3 53.3 362 68.1 0.386
100 5 10 5 14.4 18.4 271 3.84 54.2 64.6 441 81.7 0.383
100 6 12 6 17 21.6 311 3.79 62.3 75.1 514 94.1 0.379
100 6.3 15.75 9.45 17.5 22.2 314 3.76 62.8 76.4 536 97 0.373
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
100 8 20 12 21.4 27.2 366 3.67 73.2 91.1 645 114 0.366
100 10 25 15 25.6 32.6 411 3.55 82.2 105 750 130 0.357
100 12 36 24 28.3 36.1 408 3.36 81.6 110 794 136 0.338
100 12.5 37.5 25 29.1 37 410 3.33 82.1 111 804 137 0.336
120 3 6 3 10.8 13.8 312 4.76 52.1 60.2 488 78.2 0.47
120 4 8 4 14.2 18.1 402 4.71 67 78.3 637 101 0.466
120 5 10 5 17.5 22.4 485 4.66 80.9 95.4 778 122 0.463
120 6 12 6 20.7 26.4 562 4.61 93.7 112 913 141 0.459
120 6.3 15.75 9.45 21.4 27.3 572 4.58 95.3 114 955 146 0.453
120 8 20 12 26.4 33.6 677 4.49 113 138 1163 175 0.446
120 10 25 15 31.8 40.6 777 4.38 129 162 1376 203 0.437
120 12 36 24 35.8 45.7 806 4.2 134 174 1518 219 0.418
120 12.5 37.5 25 36.9 47 817 4.17 136 178 1551 223 0.416
140 4 8 4 16.8 21.3 652 5.52 93.1 108 1023 140 0.546
140 5 10 5 20.7 26.4 791 5.48 113 132 1256 170 0.543
140 6 12 6 24.5 31.2 920 5.43 131 155 1479 198 0.539
140 6.3 15.75 9.45 25.4 32.3 941 5.39 134 160 1550 205 0.533
140 8 20 12 31.4 40 1127 5.3 161 194 1901 248 0.526
140 10 25 15 38.1 48.6 1312 5.2 187 230 2274 291 0.517
140 12 36 24 43.4 55.3 1398 5.03 200 253 2567 322 0.498
140 12.5 37.5 25 44.8 57 1425 5 204 259 2634 329 0.496
150 4 8 4 18 22.9 808 5.93 108 125 1265 162 0.586
150 5 10 5 22.3 28.4 982 5.89 131 153 1554 197 0.583
150 6 12 6 26.4 33.6 1146 5.84 153 180 1833 230 0.579
150 6.3 15.75 9.45 27.4 34.8 1174 5.8 156 185 1922 239 0.573
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
150 8 20 12 33.9 43.2 1412 5.71 188 226 2364 289 0.566
150 10 25 15 41.3 52.6 1653 5.61 220 269 2839 341 0.557
150 12 36 24 47.1 60.1 1780 5.44 237 298 3231 380 0.538
150 12.5 37.5 25 48.7 62 1817 5.41 242 306 3321 389 0.536
150 16 48 32 58.7 74.8 2009 5.18 268 351 3830 440 0.518
160 4 8 4 19.3 24.5 987 6.34 123 143 1541 185 0.626
160 5 10 5 23.8 30.4 1202 6.29 150 175 1896 226 0.623
160 6 12 6 28.3 36 1405 6.25 176 206 2239 264 0.619
160 6.3 15.75 9.45 29.3 37.4 1442 6.21 180 213 2349 275 0.613
160 8 20 12 36.5 46.4 1741 6.12 218 260 2897 334 0.606
160 10 25 15 44.4 56.6 2048 6.02 256 311 3490 395 0.597
160 12 36 24 50.9 64.9 2224 5.86 278 346 3997 443 0.578
160 12.5 37.5 25 52.6 67 2275 5.83 284 356 4114 455 0.576
160 16 48 32 63.7 81.2 2546 5.6 318 413 4799 520 0.558
180 4 8 4 21.8 27.7 1422 7.16 158 182 2210 237 0.706
180 5 10 5 27 34.4 1737 7.11 193 224 2724 290 0.703
180 6 12 6 32.1 40.8 2037 7.06 226 264 3223 340 0.699
180 6.3 15.75 9.45 33.3 42.4 2096 7.03 233 273 3383 354 0.693
180 8 20 12 41.5 52.8 2546 6.94 283 336 4189 432 0.686
180 10 25 15 50.7 64.6 3017 6.84 335 404 5074 515 0.677
180 12 36 24 58.5 74.5 3322 6.68 369 454 5865 584 0.658
180 12.5 37.5 25 60.5 77 3406 6.65 378 467 6050 600 0.656
180 16 48 32 73.8 94 3887 6.43 432 550 7178 698 0.638
200 4 8 4 24.3 30.9 1968 7.97 197 226 3049 295 0.786
200 5 10 5 30.1 38.4 2410 7.93 241 279 3763 362 0.783
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
200 6 12 6 35.8 45.6 2833 7.88 283 330 4459 426 0.779
200 6.3 15.75 9.45 37.2 47.4 2922 7.85 292 341 4682 444 0.773
200 8 20 12 46.5 59.2 3566 7.76 357 421 5815 544 0.766
200 10 25 15 57 72.6 4251 7.65 425 508 7072 651 0.757
200 12 36 24 66 84.1 4730 7.5 473 576 8230 743 0.738
200 12.5 37.5 25 68.3 87 4859 7.47 486 594 8502 765 0.736
200 16 48 32 83.8 107 5625 7.26 562 706 10210 901 0.718
220 5 10 5 33.2 42.4 3238 8.74 294 340 5038 442 0.863
220 6 12 6 39.6 50.4 3813 8.7 347 402 5976 521 0.859
220 6.3 15.75 9.45 41.2 52.5 3940 8.66 358 417 6277 543 0.853
220 8 20 12 51.5 65.6 4828 8.58 439 516 7815 668 0.846
220 10 25 15 63.2 80.6 5782 8.47 526 625 9533 804 0.837
220 12 36 24 73.5 93.7 6487 8.32 590 712 11149 922 0.818
220 12.5 37.5 25 76.2 97 6674 8.29 607 735 11530 951 0.816
220 16 48 32 93.9 120 7812 8.08 710 881 13971 1129 0.798
250 5 10 5 38 48.4 4805 9.97 384 442 7443 577 0.983
250 6 12 6 45.2 57.6 5672 9.92 454 524 8843 681 0.979
250 6.3 15.75 9.45 47.1 60 5873 9.89 470 544 9290 711 0.973
250 8 20 12 59.1 75.2 7229 9.8 578 676 11598 878 0.966
250 10 25 15 72.7 92.6 8707 9.7 697 822 14197 1062 0.957
250 12 36 24 84.8 108 9859 9.55 789 944 16691 1226 0.938
250 12.5 37.5 25 88 112 10161 9.52 813 975 17283 1266 0.936
250 16 48 32 109 139 12047 9.32 964 1180 21146 1520 0.918
260 6 12 6 47.1 60 6405 10.3 493 569 9970 739 1.02
260 6.3 15.75 9.45 49.1 62.6 6635 10.3 510 591 10475 772 1.01
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m
260 8 20 12 61.6 78.4 8178 10.2 629 734 13087 955 1.01
260 10 25 15 75.8 96.6 9865 10.1 759 894 16035 1156 0.997
260 12 36 24 88.6 113 11200 9.96 862 1028 18878 1337 0.978
260 12.5 37.5 25 91.9 117 11548 9.93 888 1063 19553 1381 0.976
260 16 48 32 114 145 13739 9.73 1057 1289 23986 1663 0.958
300 6 12 6 54.7 69.6 9964 12 664 764 15434 997 1.18
300 6.3 15.75 9.45 57 72.6 10342 11.9 689 795 16218 1042 1.17
300 8 20 12 71.6 91.2 12801 11.8 853 991 20312 1293 1.17
300 10 25 15 88.4 113 15519 11.7 1035 1211 24966 1572 1.16
300 12 36 24 104 132 17767 11.6 1184 1402 29514 1829 1.14
300 12.5 37.5 25 108 137 18348 11.6 1223 1451 30601 1892 1.14
300 16 48 32 134 171 22076 11.4 1472 1774 37837 2299 1.12
350 8 20 12 84.2 107 20681 13.9 1182 1366 32557 1787 1.37
350 10 25 15 104 133 25189 13.8 1439 1675 40127 2182 1.36
350 12 36 24 123 156 29054 13.6 1660 1949 47598 2552 1.34
350 12.5 37.5 25 127 162 30045 13.6 1717 2020 49393 2642 1.34
350 16 48 32 159 203 36511 13.4 2086 2488 61481 3238 1.32
400 10 25 15 120 153 38216 15.8 1911 2214 60431 2892 1.56
400 12 36 24 141 180 44319 15.7 2216 2587 71843 3395 1.54
400 12.5 37.5 25 147 187 45877 15.7 2294 2683 74598 3518 1.54
400 16 48 32 184 235 56154 15.5 2808 3322 93279 4336 1.52
Size     Thick's Corner Radii Mass/m Area of Section Second Moment of Area Radius of Gyration Section Modulus Plastic Modulus Torsional Constants Section Surface Area
Ext'l Int'l Inertia Modulus
B T ro ri M/m A I r Z S J C As
mm x mm mm mm mm kg/m cm2 cm4 cm cm3 cm3 cm4 cm3 m2/m

Steel Section Index