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Steel Section Index

Joists ...BS 4-1:1971 (Superseded by BS 4: 1993)

Please don't use for new designs
Serial Size Moment Of Inertia (I) Radius Of Gyration Section (Elastic) Modulus (Z)
  Axis x-x Axis Y-Y Axis x-x Axis Y-Y Axis X-X Axis Y-Y
  Gross Net         
mm cm4 cm4 cm4 cm cm cm3 cm3
203 x 102 2294 2023 162.6 8.43 2.25 225.8 32.02
178 x 102 1519 1340 139.2 7.44 2.25 170.9 27.41
152 x 89 881.1 762.1 85.98 6.36 1.99 115.6 19.34
127 x 76 475.9 399.8 50.18 5.29 1.72 74.94 13.17
102 x 64 217.6 181.9 25.30 4.21 1.43 42.84 7.97
76 x 51 82.58 68.85 11.11 3.12 1.14 21.67 4.37

Steel Section Index